Project Assessment
billed by the hour
determined by the extent of the project
About the Course
A Process Assessment allows us to demonstrate our expertise and ability to analyze a process, uncover issues, bottlenecks, risks or concerns and provide your executive management team with a high-level summary with risk analysis, including first steps towards remediation.
As part of your Project Assessment, you will receive the follow level of services:
A CAS Worldwide process improvement specialist onsite or remove for a day to meet with your key stakeholders and discuss their processes related to a specific area, such as shipping.
An Executive Summary Report, including a control matrix identifying key areas for change as well as a ranking of these areas by risk and reward levels of high, medium, and low.
As with all process assessments, our reviews include the review of your workflow and assessment of technology and internal controls.
A Meeting with your Executive Leadership to review our findings.
Your Instructor
Marcus Harris

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